Thursday, July 31, 2008

Debugging at APT - Part 2: IE Developer Toolbar

As I said last time, we don't officially support Firefox yet because our clients use it so rarely. So we were relieved when Microsoft finally started to catch up by releasing the IE Developer Toolbar. We're often frustrated by an inexplicable error (either an actual JS error, or just ugly/broken HTML/CSS) that vexes us in IE but works perfectly fine in Firefox. For the JavaScript errors, we've had the Visual Studio Script Debugger available to us for a while (once we jumped through the necessary hoops to enable it), but sometimes the problem is that some of our JS code just isn't being loaded or executed properly. (Never mind that Script Debugger often shows JS exceptions in the middle of completely unrelated HTML markup.) Since we get some of our JS from asynchronous AJAX calls, it's something that View Source wouldn't be able to tell us. Once again, "select element by click" (equivalent to "Inspect" in Firebug) has been a great friend.

I also like the syntax-highlighted View Source, although I usually end up using something like Notepad++ to view source from a browser. But even better, Developer Toolbar's View Source includes the list of CSS declarations that apply to the portion of the page I've selected.

As you can see above and below, I have selected one element buried pretty deep within one of our pages, and I can easily use "Element Source with Style" to see not only its entire innerHTML but also all the CSS declarations, where they came from, and all parent tags' IDs and styles.

Next time I'll talk about Fiddler, also owned by Microsoft, which helps us debug "over the wire."

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